Sunday, 30 December 2012

Get to know two of the most important inorganic chemical compounds “Borates & Titanates”

The field of inorganic chemistry is very vast and consists of a number of chemical compounds. Let us have a look at two of the commercially most important and useful inorganic compounds:

Titanates – Titanium is a highly useful metal and exists in the nature in oxidised form. A chemical compound with titanium oxide in its structure is a titanate.
These are peculiarly white in colour and are insoluble in water. Apart from these properties, they are useful commercially because of their diamagnetic nature and high melting points.
Commercially, these are very important because of their various properties. Generally, these exist in two forms

  1. Orthotitanates – technically speaking, Orthotitanates have a general formula M2TiO4, where M stands for a divalent element.
  2. Metatitanates - these have the general formula MTiO3,

Titanates are prepared by treating titanium oxides with metal in a tube furnace.

Borates – these are also very popular chemical in a number of industrial processes. The most common one in the family is Zinc Borate or the borates of Zinc and is often used as a reference.
Physically, it exists as a crystalline solid, which is white in colour and is insoluble in water.
Some of the most important commercial uses of Borates include-

  1. Because of fire resistant properties, it is used as a flame retardant in plastic & textile manufacturing. It forms a porous structure that protects the underlying layer of plastics and thus protects it by acting as a flame retarding compound. For this purpose, they is used in combination with chemicals like red phosphorus and magnesium hydroxide.
  2. It is also used in the production of paints, adhesives, as well as pigments.
  3. Another major use is as an anti-dripping agent as it suppresses the afterglow in electrical components.
  4. Apart from the above mentioned uses, borates of Zinc are used as a wide spectrum fungicide (chemicals with antifungal activity for a vast variety of species), used in the protection of wood and plastics.
  5. Zinc Borate also holds an important place as a flux agent that is used in the manufacturing of electrical insulators in ceramic industry.
    The above mentioned information gives you a brief idea about two of the commercially most important chemical compounds in the field of organic chemistry.
    Both of these compounds are looked as very useful products in various industrial processes. These inorganic compounds are highly in demand amongst various commercial manufacturers because of the various useful properties that these offer.

    Royce international is looked as one of the best chemical suppliers in the country. Whether it is epoxy, diluents, compounds like borate & titanate or any other important commercial chemical; they provide the best quality for all of these.

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